Submitted by Name: James From: Canada E-mail: Contact
Comments: What ever happened to YDO? It's like he disappeared.
Added: July 20, 2024
Submitted by Name: Buhu From: The 'wood E-mail: Contact
Comments: ...Cont.
Funny how the vendetta(s) seem to transcend the knowledge of those who preceded the (current) users and whatever purpose any one individual person had in mind at any given time -- "when in doubt, just turn everything upside-down" assuming one can; mere anarchy for sake of anarchy. (OK, philosophical discussions lose the audience.)
No diatribe here. I've said more than I had planned... hope everybody's well (i.e. those of us still living at this moment in time), and perhaps when least expected I may transmit on "the box" as it were and say "hi(gh)." Or not. No long good-byes, seven-threes... DE N6BHU HIHI OM PSE QSL N6BHU QRT AR
Added: June 1, 2024
Submitted by Name: Dave the Defiant From: Hollywood, CA (originally, anyway) E-mail: Contact
Comments: After bailing the 'wood (for the last time... the skyscrapers on the Boulevard took away the Sunshine) back in '18 N6JOU & I got back together again and tied the knot.
We could see the repeater antenna from our kitchen window, but we're old folks now, and it's hard to drum-up the energy to get on a repeater that appears to be inactive; though we've heard some recent utterances emanating from it.
We tried DMR, but those dead from the neck up didn't like our "lovey-dovey " back-and-forths, so we find other amusements; most of our long time ham-friends are now SKs (e.g. Arny - K6PXA who introduced N6BHU & N6JOU back in '83, Carl - WB6DQC, Dave - WA6SUD, et al).
Submitted by Name: Steve Canfield From: Idaho now. formerly So Cal E-mail: Contact
Comments: So is .435 dead now? I left So Cal in May of 2003... I know it has changed hands several times since Roy owned it.... Apparently there's still a listing for the repeater in the repeater log book... Is there still a repeater? Any of the old users from 20+ years ago still around? Steve formerly KK6OY now K7SWC
Comments: This is the biggest pile of * * * that I have ever seen
Added: February 16, 2023
Submitted by Name: Davy Jones From: Manchester England E-mail: Contact
Comments: KD6GDB,, Over..
Added: February 28, 2022
Submitted by Name: Wile E Coyote From: Las Vegas, nevada E-mail: Contact
Comments: Rumor has it...Scott A Press was killed by the Covid-19 virus..... At last we don't have to listen to that Psycho,self-centered piece of * * * any longer.....
Added: June 9, 2021
Submitted by Name: jack-hole From: earth E-mail: Contact
Comments: Wow, i had no idea this forum existed. Now i can finally have a voice to vent my useless drivel again. Thank you.
Added: January 3, 2021
Submitted by Name: Tereasa petrovich From: A * * * E-mail: Contact
Comments: Extra ssss and Henry's murder read about it on LinkedIn tereasa petrovich
Name: James
From: Canada
E-mail: Contact
What ever happened to YDO? It's like he disappeared.